Just some funny sketches. The guy on top was for fun, he was suppose to be some really distinguished fellow. The last dude on the bottom, was a memory sketch of a dude I saw coming out of the train station on my way to get some late night munchies at the 24 hour Walgreens. So I tried to draw from memory and his head shape was so unique I had to caricature it. The more I start observing the world, the more I realize there is a lot of things to draw out there if you just stop to look and observe, it all adds up. With that said, Robert Collier says it best and I quote, "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."
So go out there, find inspiration where you can find it, open your eyes, sometimes it can be right in front you. More you do the better you will get! Keep drawing and remember always have fun with it, its just a drawing :P