What a crazy week and it’s not even over yet! :P
Well, I finally finished my time at the coolest school ever, Animation Mentor! I want to express my absolute deepest respect to the school’s Co-Founders (Bobby, Sean and Carlos), Mentors, and of course my fellow Peers that I call friends/animation ninjas on Animation Mentor!
It was a journey filled with ups and downs, but I made it out alive and with a new understanding on the art of animation. I wanted to wish all my fellow AM’ers a HUGE CONGRATS on finishing the program! You guys and gals are AWESOME!!!
So, what now? Hmm, I really don’t know I guess check out the alumni site and try to find a job :P
But before I do that, I am gonna take a day off to at least celebrate my Burfday…err…I mean Birthday :P
Yup, I am getting older, so here is to my Birthday…WOOT!
Well, it wouldn't be a proper post without a sketch. I apologize that I have not been keeping my blog up to date but I hope that changes now with some free time away from my pc for a bit.
This below is a cartooney caricature of a roommate of mine we call the general, I sketched it out for fun. He always has headphones around his neck and he actually has a beret on his head that he wears. Yeah, he is crazy but a cool guy so here is to you general, ATTEND HUT!!! :P
I will finally be able to post more now that I am done with AM at least for the moment. Next stop for me is the Alumni site, I can't wait to see it!
