I guess I will be taking a break from the cold out here in the East and enjoying some of that wet weather that is happening in the West.
I will be sure to update some fun pics and videos of the Graduation ceremonies for sure. In the mean time, I have to pack and get all set, so I leave you with some fun and loose sketches here before I go to San Francisco. Enjoy!

Hehe, I thought this might be fun to share... :P ;)

nice drawings rob! i love the little dragon and the girl's face that you did.
hope you have a good time up there dude
Hey Rob!
I'll see you this week man!
Great work!
Thanks for the Happy holiday greeting! : )
How in the heck are ya?!
E-mail me and fill me in on all of your exciting adventures. : )
I like your designs in this post too!
: )
WTHM!!! Happy 2008!
Congratulations for your Graduation! hope you are having a blast in SF with everyone from AM and 5308.
cool drawings!
what' s up with that Bear pic is that in NY..? looks like a cool store to visit.
good luck
Thanks Rob for the comment. In this post I like the first pic the most. I tried to draw it in school today but it seems to be more of a challenge that I thought.
Great stuff!!!!! Love your work!
those top 2 sketches are kick ASS! awesome work dude.
Great sketches, I especially like that cute portrait of the smiling girl. Nice Work!
Great sketches, I especially like the cute portrait of the smiling girl. Nice stuff!
Hey, what a cute dragon!
Great post!
Great drawings, but what's with the dragon? Only losers draw dragons!! Haha!
Dan: Thanks dude! I have been having a blast up here in SF but I will post up some stuff when I get back East this Thursday. Thanks again for stopping by!
SRS: Yeah dude, I hope to see yah before I go and thanks for the 'No-Cal'...err...'Nor-Cal' thing, I need to change that ;)
bsleven: Oh! Great to hear from you! Yeah, I am good, I will send yah an email and let you know what is up with everything.
Alfredo: Thanks man! Ah, that beat pic thing, is just a store in NY. It's for the holidays. Thanks for the well wishes! I hope you are doing well in Panama!
anime2000:Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, drawing the human figure is hard but super fun! Just keep at it and you will see you will be drawing the human form in no time! Thanks for stopping by!
Urban Barbarian: Thanks dude!!!
Peer: Thank ye kind sir :P Glad you liked them dude!
Mel Maduro: Glad you liked it! Ahh, some amazing work on your end, I will be sure to leave a comment! :)
Tom: Great to hear from yah buddy! Awesome dude, glad you liked the little dragon :)
Piya: HAHAHAHA! That one made me laugh coming from you dude! HAHA!
Thanks for all the support everyone!
beautiful drawings!
Alina: I am happy you liked them...thanks for the nice the words, especially coming from you! You rock!~
Hey Rob!! Your blog is absolutely amazing!! Very, very nice personages :-)!! Congratulations!
Robi Pena: WOW! Thank you for your wonderful comments. Your work rocks! Thanks again for the support.
Love the sketches!! The smiling lady with curly hair ROCKS!!!
Heidi Smith: WooT! Thank you so much for stoping by my area. I am glad you liked the curly hair lady :)
These are fun drawings! I like the dragon with his little teeth sticking out.
Fantastic Blog. I'll be back.
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