I have some crazy news this week. I got a call from one of the most amazing studios out there working on character animation, RHYTHM AND HUES STUDIOS!!! The news came to me last week. I was doing my laundry (my cell phone was not on me at the time) and to my surprise I saw a missed call from L.A. when I came back. Once I heard my voice mail I was shocked! Rhythm and Hues Studios called me! As you are reading this, you might be asking yourself; so now what?
Well, I am happy to say that I will be participating in the Animation Apprentice program. It’s been a week since the great news and I still can’t believe it. I am sorry if I haven’t been posting recently but I have been busy packing up my stuff for L.A. The Animation Apprentice program runs for about a month. I can already imagine the great advice and experience that I will learn while I am down there; I can’t wait!!! I hope to connect to the internet once I arrive to L.A. so that I can continue to post while I am out there. I hope to bring fun drawings, news and pics about my journey in So-Cal these coming weeks! :)
I also want to thank all of those who have given me and continuing to give me great feedback on both my drawings and animations. A huge shout out to all the Mentors and Students on Animation Mentor! I also want to thank the OSG, you know you are; without your support when I was feeling doubt or have troubles, you guys where always there to listen and help. I also want to thank my roommates with all the help and support; as well as others who gave me support along this journey.
Keep working hard and stay true to your dreams! They do come true sooner or later.
Maybe its just the great news but I felt like drawing a dude on stilts, go figure. :)
Have a wonderful week everyone! I hope to have the next post from L.A.
