…but barely :(
Yeah, so, uhh, hmm….what is up!?
Man, it has been a while since I graced the pages of my blog and let me tell yeah its needs some updating. YIKES!~
First off I want to say a HUGE SUPER BIG, ‘THANK YOU!~’ to those who have commented on my last post...which was in October...ouch! That was a long time ago...well sorry about that but there has been a lot of soul searching since then and packing and finally traveling,etc.
But in all seriousness, I was really touched by the nice comments and encouragement that everyone left. Thanks a bunch! :)
Well, I am back on the East coast and let me tell yah, it is freaking cold out here right now!!! Wow, was I spoiled by the nice weather of San Francisco so much so that I got sick on the way here and I am still recovering :(
But hey, its home and I love it this time of year here in the East. You really feel the spirit of Christmas and all that holiday season junk…hehe :P
So many people have asked “Have you found work?” or “What the hell are you doing now?” ..oh and my favorite, "Hey! Are you dead?" Well, not much to report boys and girls…I am very much alive but other than that I am still looking for work. So in the mean time while I look for work I will be on this blog a lot more and probably working on an actually website. But in the mean time I have to make income so I might just have to give into the meat grinder and find a regular steady 9-5 boring desk job if I must…ugh!~ Not pleasing at all but hey, it’s a living :P I hope that this will not be the case and that I acctually find something before then...so keep yah fingers crossed :)
Anyway, sorry for the lack of posting around the blogs…I am sure I have to play serious catch up on all the great artwork that is out there being updating by my favorite artists and friends. I hope I haven't been too absent from my blog that people have already forgotten me; but I guess its time to post more and comment around to see what the vibe is on the blogs.
Oh, yeah...one cool little thing I found while browsing the net, was this little bear packaging from Japan, super cute so I thought, hey, why not post it up:

Anyway, I thought it was cute and those who know me will know why I put up that little bear thing :P
Well, thanks again for those who still keep coming to my little blog area :) I will be on top of it now since I have so much free time...
